Sunday, July 25, 2010

My toddler is now "toddling" around

Peyton is officially a walker now. She is so proud of herself and wants to walk EVERYWHERE! It takes forever to get around these days :)

Still waiting on lab results...hopefully we will hear something this week. I will update when I know more.

Monday, July 19, 2010

1st Appt at TCH

I started the morning off with a 5:45am wake up call from Peyton. In the past this has always been my indication that sickness is near and wouldn't you know...she is running a low grade fever off and on. I am crossing my fingers that it is only teeth but with her luck, I seriously doubt it!

So we make it to the appt only to be greeted immediately by a TCH Human Resource lady (who was way too cheery for 8am) letting us know she can be our future contact if we ever have any scheduling difficulties. Nice perk but did make me feel guilty again for getting such a quick appointment. She obviously didn't know how we were able to get an appointment so quickly as she kept throwing names out there to see our response but knew we had connections somewhere...we didn't share any more than we had to :)

When we were finally able to meet with the Doc and his Intern we spent most of the time going over history. Wouldn't you know my pediatrician STILL DID NOT send the complete medical records after I requested them twice and the nurse at the immunology clinic called Friday requesting them as well! Frustrating!!!!

So after they got my run down it was decided that they wanted to do all new labs for both her immune system and allergies. They came and took 12 vials of blood from my poor screaming baby! It took 2 of us to hold her down and she even fought so hard she popped the needle out of her vein once. The worst part was (I was closest to her head) she would scream, thrash her head back and forth then stop....look at me and say "mama, mama" and I could do nothing to help her. Poor baby :( She passed out from exhaustion 15 minutes later.

We should get some results of the blood work in 10 days and have a follow up with the doc in August. I am so anxious to get some answers!!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Trip to Kentucky

We are back from Kentucky. The girls had a GREAT time and got to spend a ton of quality time with thier cousins. I love how they get along so well and only see each other twice a year.

The drive was actually not too bad...16 hrs split into 2 days was completely managable with Dora and Barney. And an added bonus-Peyton can now say "backpack" and "map" when Dora asks her to :)

Here are a few pics from our visit

Happy 4th of July!

A day at Build a Bear (with our new friends BubbleGum, Scout and Hannah)

Louisville Science Center
Peyton goes to Elmo's World

Hunter and Addi at Holiday World

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dancing in Kentucky

The girls and I are still in Kentucky visiting my sister and her family. Tracey and Trey will be opening the restaurant tomorrow. We went tonight for a "Friends and Family" night and it was YUMMY! We haven't seen much of T & T because they have been crazy busy but the girls have sure been having a lot of fun together.

I had to add this video. It is of Addison and Peyton..not sure where Lexi and Sydney were but it is too cute. Peyton has learned how to "dance" and loves to listen to music all of a sudden. Not sure she really has any rhythm yet though...see for yourself

Monday, July 5, 2010

Another update

We just got a little more information regarding Lacey's condition...she is still in critical condition with a fractured pelvis, fractured skull and fractured left leg as well as a tramatic brain injury. It is my understanding that she is still in a medically induced coma.

Also, I just recieved an email from Jordan's mom. He appears to be doing much better :)

Accident Update

Jordan is back at his house in California recovering. Although all of his injuries turned out to be below his knee they put him in a full leg cast (with pins) to help stabilize it. In 10 days they will cut it down to a half cast. He is already working with PT to learn how to walk on crutches.

His friend, Lacey, is still in the hospital in a medically induced coma to attempt to reduce the swelling on her brain. We are not able to get much information regarding her recovery since we are not family. Everything I have heard has either been from Jordan or his mom. The fact that she is still fighting is a really good sign. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family. Hopefully I will have good news to report soon.

Here is the newspaper report from the accident

From the Benicia Herald:

A van that stuck 2 Benicia teenagers Thursday night hurled one victim 30 feet before she struck the pavement with her head, one witness describing the accident said.

"There was blood everywhere," said Patricia Callahan of Vallejo, who had seen the teens at a downtown restaurant less then an hour earlier. "Her eyes were dilated. We were trying to talk to her, telling her to stay with us."

The 15 year old girl is identified by police as Lacey Wilson, and two companions had been crossing Military West at the West Second Street intersection about 8:20 pm when a westbound 1997 Ford A 14 year old Jordan Hebert, according to information released Friday by Benicia police.

Natalie Follette, a Benicia resident who was on West Second Street before trying to make a left turn onto Military West, said that when Wilson was hit, she rolled onto the vans wind shield before hitting the street.

"The other kid got clipped," Follette said. Hebert was spun before falling to the pavement, she said. As soon as she saw the accident, she ran to the nearby Benicia Fire Station for help.

Both injured teens were taken by separate ambulances to the trauma center at John Muir Medical Center, Walnut Creek, police said.

Wilson's condition was described Friday as critical after she suffered serious injuries, according to a Benicia Fire Department statement that also listed Hebert's condition as stable with moderate injuries.

The third youth, who some witnesses said had preceded his friends into the crosswalk, was not hit, the police news release said.

The intersection was shut down for many hours to let a specialized traffic unit investigated the accident, Benicia police Lt. Mike Daley said.

The van that struck the teens was being driven by a 49 year old Benicia resident Bruce Ricketts, Daley said, adding Ricketts showed no signs of any impairment, and he gave a voluntary blood sample.

Ricketts was visibly shaken by the accident, Callahan said. "The driver was hysterical." Another witness, Natalia Isabel Lykkeberg, said, "He was bawling. He kept saying, 'I couldn't see, I couldn't see.'

All said glaring sunlight may have led to the collision, but speed was not a factor.

"The sun was in our eyes," Callahan said. "The sun hits your eyes that time of day, and you can't see. They should look at the number of accidents that happen there and put in a stoplight." The collision, she said, "was a total accident."

"That spot is notoriously nasty," Follette agreed. "I'm 100 percent sure it was the sun...I feel very bad for the (driver)."

Lykkeberg, who owns Isabel's Gifts downtown, had driven away from the Tannery Building and had turned onto Military West. She said the line of vehicles had stopped for a light. After the light turned green, had begun traveling at between 10 and 15 mph.

She saw brake lights come on. "And in a split second, I heard somebody screaming." The first voice she heard may be been Hebert's. "Then a woman was running on the left side, screaming, 'Call 9-1-1!'"

Lykkeberg, who has worked in operating rooms and has been a medical assistant, parked her car at the nearby Chevron station and checked on Hebert, who was lying on his side in the street.

"He was screaming. He was in a lot of pain. Thank God the fire department was right there." She checked his pulse and warned others not to touch the boy, since she worried he might have suffered serious fractures.

Then she saw Wilson 20 feet away, also lying on her side. "She was hurt, like in shock, and unresponsive." Like Callahan, she kept speaking to Wilson to try to keep her conscious.

Lkkeberg said she saw bicycles she believes belonged to the teens, and noticed none was wearing helmets. "I'm not sure if they were riding the bicycles or walking them." Other witnesses said the teens didn't have bicycles.

Ironically, Callahan had seen the victims and some of their friends earlier that afternoon at Frankenburger's after she had shopped at the Farmers Market. "They were happy, not loud," she said.

But 45 minutes later, while she was driving, traffic slowed to 5 miles per hour, and she rolled down her window to see what was happening.

"I heard screaming," she said. "The boy and girl had been hit. She was thrown 30 feet. It was horrible."

Friday, July 2, 2010

Jordan's accident

While driving to Louisville today I get a call from Roger that Jordan has been hit by a car in Cali and is in the hospital. (We didn't immediately get the info because we are both out of town but it actually happened last night.) He was very lucky to only substain "minor" injuries. He was hit by the front/corner part of the car, spun around and possibly had his foot run over. He underwent surgery early today to repair the damage and is now in a full leg cast with pins. The girl he was with, Lacey, was not quite as lucky. She was hit by the car and flew approx 30 ft landing on her head. She is in pretty bad condition with multiple skull factures and massive trauma to her head. As of now I don't know much more regarding her prognosis. I will update more as it becomes available...