Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Saga Continues...

We spoke with the allergist who felt that although her levels were elevated in the areas of milk, egg and nuts, he did not feel it would be enough to warrent us to stop giving her thse items. I am going to take out milk and see if there is any change.

I feel like we are back at square 1. When I got the allergy results I was in a way pleased to have an answer to what was going on. But now, we are starting all over. I happened to have yet another appt with the pedi following her allergy appt b/c her entire body in a rash and a couple of other concerns. They have now ordered a CBC and several other blood tests to check her immunity levels as well as if she is absorbing the medicine she is getting from her vaccines. From the doctors explaination, newborns carry thier mother's immunity until between 4-6 mths. At that point, thier own immunity kicks in and prevents them from being sick. Peyton got her first ear infection at 6 mths and she hasn't been consistently well since. And another strange fact is that Peyton recently had strep and what we think was Roseola AT THE SAME TIME and Addison never even had a slight fever. In no way have I attempted to separate the two and stop the spread of germs. So this may make sense..I am hoping to get the results by Friday afternoon. I just in my gut feel something is going on and I just want answers. I only briefly looked up anything on the Internet regarding Immune Diseases and quickly stopped b/c I am not going to scare myself to death until I know for sure this is what we are dealing with. Peyton is by far a very happy baby but I know she isn't feeling 100%.

I have no clue who is reading this but I guess it just makes me feel better to get it off my chest. I haven't really "talked" to many people about it yet..I just want some answers first!

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