Happy Birthday sweet baby
We had a wonderful birthday party today. Roger tried out his new outdoor kitchen while the kids swam in the pool. Plus, Peyton was a rock star with her smash cake. So many of our friends and family helped us celebrate our baby's first birthday. Thanks everyone!!!

But, of course it had to have some drama...Peyton had been feeling crummy off and on over the last couple of days. Considering she had an ear infection last Wednesday, I chalked it up to that and/or teething. Well during her party, her fever kept rising and rising. I kept her close to myself or
Gramma, careful not to "infect" any other
kids just in case something else was going on. She crashed by the end of the party...

Fast forward a few hours after
the party and Peyton's temp reached a max of 105.4 and that was
while alternating Tylenol and Motrin! Needless to say, the poor baby spent the night of her first birthday in the Emergency Room of Texas Children's Hospital. And the worst part is we had the MOST INCOMPETENT doctor ever! We
received the most expensive dose of Tylenol ($150 copay) and a diagnosis of a bulging ear drum. I thought it was a little odd to have such high fever with an ear infection but
the dr assured me it was possible. And, considering Peyton's history of ear problems, I didn't question him and came back home. Here she is in the ER...

Although not quite as high as overnight, she continued to have a fever.
So, following the ER docs orders, I made an
appt this morning with my
Pedi. Peyton's ears look perfect, no sign of infection. The REAL
DIAGNOSIS...Strep Throat! Her throat is hot pink
and swollen with giant puss pockets. The ER doc never even opened her mouth to look. I am so pissed
and frustrated. It was clear when I was there the doc was pretty clueless but to completely overlook so many other possibilities..come on!
I guess it is a good thing
Grampa knows people in high places. This will not go unnoticed :)
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