Here is our annual picture on the giant steer (minus Jordan who is in California). I swear they must use the same poor guy every year. He looks identical to the pictures I have from the last 3 years.
This year at the carnival Addi was able to do a ton of rides. She is actually more daring than I would have thought. This giant slide is proof. It was her choice and she wanted to do it ALONE. She did it 2 yrs ago in Roger's lap but this time she felt she didn't need my help. So I let her go...maybe I should have gone with her????? If you look at the picture it is just at the point where she is losing her balance and flipping over to her belly (not supposed to do this on the slide). She ended at the bottom on her belly with the rug over her entire body. Through the gasps of onlookers, she jumped up, laughed and wanted to go again.
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