We are slowly getting back into the swing of things...I feel like I have been moving non stop for the past week.
Jordan has started his first year of high school successfully. Besides being on crutches at a VERY LARGE campus he seems to be happy with his new venture. OUR goal this year is to give him some accountability towards his school. In the past years I have been on top of his school 100%...always making sure assignments were in on time,ensuring he attended tutoring when needed and keeping in constant contact with teachers, counselors, principals etc. We decided this year we really need to back off and try to have Jordan gain more responsability towards his work. He seems ready to take on this new task but I guess only time will tell. We have told him we are backing off 100% but in reality there is no way we can do that...hopefully we can jsut monitor from afar????
Addi has "meet the teacher" tomorrow for her preschool class. It is at the same school as her Mother's Day Out program so I am not expecting any problems. She LOVES her school and is really excited. Her teacher has already emailed us about tomorrow so I like her already :) Plus, from what I hear she is the cream of the crop! Yay for Addi!
Peyton had a follow up at TCH a week ago and they never did find her blood. The immunology department is blaming the lab but who really knows. All I know is we had to draw blood again at our appointment. It has been 10 days since our appt so I am planning on calling tomorrow since I haven't gotten any results yet. And to make matters worse, she is full of nasty yellow snot. I am using the heck out of the saline nose mist in hopes I can prevent an ear infection...only time will tell.
Here are some pics from the last part of our summer