I need sleep. I love sleep. I am not a morning person. Ask anyone who has ever loved with me...they will confirm this for you. For the last 4 mths, Peyton has become the worst sleeper. I attribute this to her chronic ear infections and I know she is not intentionally interrupting my precious sleep but I don't always feel that way at 5am. And it only magnifies my frustration when Peyton is ready to nap but Addison wakes up after a full 12 hrs of sleep ready to go for the day!
We got the news yesterday that we will FINALLY be getting tubes for Peyton. Although the thought of putting her under is frightening, I am anxious to see if this helps her sleep (and mine too). The procedure is scheduled for March 8th. The Doctor claims she will be back to herself by lunchtime but I am not going to hold my breath. As long as she returns to herself by the next day I will be fine. So the idea of a solid nights sleep lingers in the future...will this really be the answer to my prayers???
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
A baby on the move...
As soon as Peyton hit nine months, she was ready to go. Over the last month, she has mastered crawling and will pull up on anytihnng and everything. She is just starting to cruise along the furniture. She turned 10 mths today and I give her another month before she is walking! (please, please, please prove me wrong...I am not ready yet!) Here are a few pictures of her in action.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The Little Ballarina
Addison is my little ballarina...she is such a girlie girl :) She absolutley LOVES to dress up in her princess dresses and dance for us. She is usually in full costume with dress, crown, shoes and a magic wand within 10 minutes of getting home. It is absolutley adorable to watch her close her eyes and sing at the top of her lungs (squeal, really) while she dances like a princess.
So...it is only natural that I have signed her up for dance. She is in a class of 3-5 yr olds and is the second youngest there. Her friend Charlotte is the youngest. She loves to go to dance class. They start with ballet and then spend the second half of every class practicing for the recital in June! Lord help us...I can only imagine the chaos that will create!!!!
Here is Addison with her friend Charlotte (quality stink b/c it is from my phone).
So...it is only natural that I have signed her up for dance. She is in a class of 3-5 yr olds and is the second youngest there. Her friend Charlotte is the youngest. She loves to go to dance class. They start with ballet and then spend the second half of every class practicing for the recital in June! Lord help us...I can only imagine the chaos that will create!!!!
Here is Addison with her friend Charlotte (quality stink b/c it is from my phone).

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
She is definately an Hebert!
I initially thought Peyton was going to be a poor eater. She was very particular about the baby food she would eat and when she was done, there was no convincing her to eat any more....she would immediately begin chunking anything within reach from the high chair to the floor. I have since come to realize that maybe it isn't food she dislikes maybe it is BABY FOOD (and who can blame her).
After tonight I am confident she may just turn out to be a good eater just like her big sister...not a poor eater like her big brother (which I claim no responsibility for)! And a bonus for daddy...she loved the ground beef in the spaghetti. She took fist fulls of meat and shovelled them into her mouth. Definitely an Hebert...loves her meat!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day!
Addison was so excited for Valentine's Day this year. She spent 2 weeks telling everyone "Happy Valentine's Day!" until the day finally came. Peyton unfortunatley had no clue but she was pretty pumped to open a present. Aside from church, Jordan pretty much did his own teenage Valentine thing...he didn't care too much about our plans but did get his yearly box of chocolates and points for his favorite computer game which made him pretty happy.
After church we (Roger and I) got the best gift...Gramma and Granpa watched the girls as mommy and daddy got to enjoy some quiet time for lunch and a movie. I have forgotten how good Pappasitos really is...I think it has been a year at least since we went! The thought of waiting an hour for a table when you have small children is less than appealing! So...thanks so much Gramma and Granpa!!!
Today, the day after Valentine's, the girls playgroup had a party at our house. We had lots of fun playing, eating pizza, doing a craft and decorating cookies. Of course Addison was the last to finish her cookie because she had to lick off every single drop of icing...Big Surprise!!!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
After reading numerous blogs by friends I have often wished I had one for my own family to chronicle our daily lives and more importantly for my children to have forever...this is my attempt :)
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